Some of my favourite moments in 2016~
In 2016, I:
- Learned how to Scuba dive
- Finished my first game jam
- Spent Valentine's Day failing to complete an Escape Room
- 3D printed something for the first time
- Drank lots of chai lattes
- Turned my study into a camera obscura
- Showed my mom around Adelaide for the first time
- Walked across a stage and got a piece of paper that says I have a Bachelor's of Computer Science
- Showed our game jam game at AVCon with the rest of Koala Tea Games (despite being a little too sick)
- Did the Color Run
- Moved from an apartment into a wonderful house.
- Visited France for the first time
- Started playing D&D again
- Took a mini holiday to Carrickalinga for my 24th birthday
- Spent Christmas with Tom's family (and video chatted with my family on Boxing Day)
- Finally became a permanent resident of Australia
My own personal 2016 was mostly wonderful, and I have good reason to be optimistic about 2017.~